If you use Internet Explorer don’t forget to upgrade your browser.
Good new for the web developers it will make it easier for them.
Microsoft has announced that it will stop delivering support for Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10 next Tuesday. The company introduced its new browser called Microsoft Edge with Windows 10. This was designed to replace Internet Explorer.
Microsoft continues to deliver Internet Explorer 11 with Windows 10, though it intends to phase out Internet Explorer.
The company will request users of Windows 7 computers and Windows Server 2008 R to upgrade on Tuesday, and IE 8, 9, and 10 users should soon make the switch to IE11, Microsoft outlines.
Users can choose not to move to Internet Explorer 11 by disabling the required update. However, when Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10 become obsolete, the browser will stop receiving all updates, even those concerning security.